Maximo- Maximo v7 Planning: Advanced Planning step by step
Now each step is very basic: HVDC shipping, instrumentation, subsystem inspections and a couple more. These really refer to plant departments that will be affected in the next project or outage. And for each one of these I have Vanessa's job plan. Now we'll take a look at nessa job plan next danessa job plan is just simply any job that could be nessa job plan. And this was very basic, it says HVDC outage work, I only have one task for this is hpac work. So these two types of jobs and the project plan. And these nested job paths will have a big impact on my overall project. Now to take a look at another functionality, we'll click on Go to planning and switch over to routes. routes are a very simple application is a list of different assets or locations. Maximo
And you can even associate you with the same job plan, each one or different job plans. Now what I've done here is I've listed 17 different assets. And for each asset, I gave it its own individual job plan. They're all different. And you have options in Maximo seven where you can either have the route, create our work orders, or it can be just a work order task to begin our project planning. So to add work order tracking, and I'll start by creating a new ortler project planning we'll call this outage queue for you to give it a higher level location, we'll put the site level here, just the Needham site. And we're going to give it a work type. We'll select the work type of the capital project. And now we're going to add a job plan to this. Maximo
My job has given me my overall project plan. It just says project planning out into q4 made it a capital project, we added a job plan to it and we gave it a target start and finish dates. Now let's see what that job plan did to this workload. We'll look at the plans tab. Now what the job plan did because we had those nested job plans within our project job plan is it created a child work order for every one of those tasks we had on our project planning job plan, we created basically six child workers. So each child worker has listed this overall project plan worker as its parent. So now we have a parent and we have a hierarchy, basically a parent and we have six different child workers. Maximo
Each department manager would take their own child work order and then plan out their own project based on the work they have to do for that specific outage. One new feature maximum is the communications feature. This allows you to send an email notification directly out of Maximo. You can use this to notify your department heads, click on select actions. And our says create and select classes to create communication. Just like any other email, you would enter the email address, a subject and a message. And you can use this to alert all of your department heads about the workers they need to be planning out for the outage. Maximo
Now my department is notified today now that I have a work order to plan out. And we can actually take a look at that on my log tab on the communication log sub tab, there is a record that email I just sent out, I can open up and this is a permanent record a maximum is very similar to your sandbox. Now let's go back to our plants tab. And I'm gonna change hats now I'm going to become the haps supervisor and plan on HVC work. So I'm gonna click on my arrow to the right of my child record here. And I can hyperlink to that specific work order, we'll go to it. And now I'm at det orkla 1370. And you can see from the work order did my child work orders for HPC. Maximo
And it's attached to my parent work Arthur dcci, and the overall project plan. So I'm gonna click on the plans tab, and we'll plan this workload as well. And we will do this where to create child work orders for every one of the work workload needs be done and his allies will make a child workload out of it and attach it to my HPC department head workload. There are multiple ways to do this. We'll show you a couple of ways here. I'm gonna click on select assets. I can filter my list here and say show me all everything with HVC in description, and there's two items I have HVC you know, I guess like both these, I just created two more work orders that are Chow workers on my overall ha see department work order. Maximo
Now I can do more than that too. I can also select existing work orders, you may have work orders out there, your backlog, what do you do, I can assign them to this Alex and get them all done at the same time. So don't click on the button that says slick work orders. And we'll go to description type in hv AC, there are multiple ways to narrow this down. I'll check the ones I want. And we'll just do it by associating those existing work orders to this parent or color. And now I have my parent work order 1370. With a child the overall project plan, and I have all the individual work orders already set up for it. I'm gonna go through my watercolors. Each of these child work orders should be planned out as well. Maximo
This is already planned out, it's sort of got a job plan on it. Go to my next one that was planned as well. These are two existing work orders I bought into now too, I just created new ones. These handle job plans. So what I'm going to do is I'm at a job plan for it as HSE department head. I've taken some existing Walker orders already and my backlog and into my HVC department work order, I created a couple of new ones just for the outage. And I have a work order for the HPC depart we'll be doing during this outage. Now I'm going to return to back my project again, hit the Return button on the upper right. And we'll keep on going. Maximo
Now we'll change the shipping department. I'll put my arrow again next to my work order 1371. Go to work order tracking. And we'll do the same thing here. Go to my plans tab, we'll click the Select assets filter for my shipping department assets that need to work done during the outage. And I just have two forklifts in New York. Select them. And this automatically creates two additional child workers attached my shipping department worker and will pennies out holding the detail up at a job plan for this and or my next one, do the job plan as well. And say the record. Now I'm going to keep it simple. And I can put a whole lot more cores on this. But you get the idea. And I'm gonna go back to my original project plan. And my next department is instrumentation. I'll be the instrumentation department head now. That my arrow, go to work order tracking. Maximo
And same thing, go to my plan step, and we'll select assets, we'll filter for them. And there's all my standards, they all need to be recertified. Click OK. And I just created six core colors. For each rotation group, I'll hit the Save button. And the only job dance will click on the detail arrow, give them all Joplin. And it would do them all the same way. And I'm going to stop there. I know I have six workers up here. But I don't have to keep miles on. I decided I don't want these last two, just click the trashcan and draw the line through them. And I'm gonna hit the Save button to make those go away. Okay, those won't be done. I have one more to do down below here. And we'll say the record. Maximo
Now my instrumentation department is ready to go. Hit the Return button in the upper right back to my project. I can keep on going and do all of these the same way. Now I'm going to do one more thing here. What I want is some kind of hierarchy. Take a look at something we're pretty much done with our project plan here. I've added several departments here, each department got their work order, they plan to work out, they put their own child workers under their department work order, they put a job in each one of those. So I can always hyperlink down to here so I can go to my lower level work order, and we'll figure out a plan step. This is just one of the work orders for the pump service on a planet step. Maximo
It has no child, it has apparently no challenges is it the lowest level and my job faff around here has a complete list of all tasks to be done, the craft is there. I probably have materials and tools as well. Let's take a look at some select action options. At this lowest level, I can click on View and click on the entire plan. This tells me at a glance all the labor I need for this one job plan. I click on the materials tab that tells me all the material I need. And even then what steps it goes to services if I have any standard services, and what tools I might need. This gives me a torque wrench. All this available for this one worker will go check another option here we'll go back to select actions rather view Have you cost there you see all the cost this worker, this is the bottom level.
So I'm looking at all my estimates from the worker I'm looking at and this also adds up the grand total if this worker had a child to it, all it costs to roll up the hierarchy. This shows all the cost of my worker for labor, labor hours, material cost everything. Now we're gonna march up the hierarchy goes back up to my work order for my pumps. Here I can do the same thing Click on Select actions and view and see the entire plan now just shows me all the workers that make up my project all the way required. And I see my materials. This is for my entire pump department here. All the materials required. We'll take a look at the tools now. Here's all tools any three torque wrenches, so you see how this all adds up and moves up the hierarchy.
I'll take a look at the costs, click Actions view costs. This total is all the work orders in my entire department for the outage and shows me the total cost of all the work being done.
This can be downloaded to a spreadsheet to make a nice report. Now we're gonna go up the hierarchy one more time. And we'll pass up to the project plan. This is my overall top of the site plan. And each one of my departments will see here, and we'll check the same thing for guidance like actions. And we'll go view the entire plan. This shows me at a glance all the labor I need for that for my entire outage, I can go to my materials tab here and see all the materials I require for this outage.
And all the how many of each one, the total cost line cost, I could download this table to a spreadsheet and get a complete listing of all my labor and materials along with the total cost for the project. So everybody marches up the hierarchy this way. And one more thing, what's the cause? Few costs. And because this is a top of the hierarchy worker, I'll see the entire cluster. Everything my entire outage here hasn't cost me 1500 and three hours right now. Okay, hands up all my labor hours, labor cost material, and all that detail is downloadable. This is how a project plan works maximum. Now I will show you one other functionality here.
Let's say I'm still planning this out, sort of go back to my plans tab, I'm gonna go to one more department here, I got one guy in charge of miscellaneous outage work. somewhere that work order. I show you another way of planning this out. This is how my miscellaneous values work. Now we've seen before that I could go to the plans tab and select and create work orders that way if I wanted to, there's another way you can also do this. I'm gonna click on select actions. And we'll go to where it says apply route. And we're going to click around here. I got one minute from my alley as far as work baggage. Now, this sometimes takes a few minutes depending on how big your route is.
And you see what's happened here is by applying that route, that route has 17 assets listed on it. The route automatically creates all of these work orders as child work orders. And you see them all listed there element created as a child worker. So route created all 17 child workers, these are all children, fellow workers, right so not only have they been created, but they've all been given a job as well because the job that was listed on the route. This is very handy. If I was a department head, I would have a route made up for every asset that required maintenance or service during any outage and have it ready to go.
All you do then is apply your route to your department and the worker pay creates all of my fellow workers automatically. And if I want to take a look at all my costs again, click on select actions view costs. And once again, you can see all the labor materials, services and tools for your entire project and all the child work orders. This concludes this presentation on project planning using maximos Parent Child workload relationship. Thank you.
(1) IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo V7 Spare Parts Management: Direct Issue
(2) IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview
(3) IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo V7 Job Planning- Create a Basic Job Plan
(4) Maximo Basics- How to Creating an Asset core step by step
(5) Maximo Basics- How to Creating 07 PM Job Plan Sequence