IBM Maximo Workflow । How to Create simple example Workflow
IBM Maximo Workflow. Today, we will talk about workflows, I will create a simple and functional workflow. And starting from this, you can create your first workflow, and then more complex ones. So the idea here is that you build your own workflows. Right? So I'm in the workflow design application, you first click in the new booth on here, to create a new workflow. I'd sign to create a workflow for the incident application. So the old project is here has to be incident. IBM Maximo Workflow.
Okay. So the description of the workflow will be this flows for this incident application, right? We need the person's name, I'll put that blue. Okay, I think we can save it. I will create a simple example with a conditional node, a mano input node assignment node. So I will use the yellow node and dragging the yellow node here, I will also drive the white nodes. I will also drive the blue node here. So our design area, okay. So our workflow will have a condition node in neuro input nodes is no input node, we can give options to the users in real-time. (Today we got IBM Maximo Workflow । How to Create simple example Workflow) Excellent job.
IBM Maximo Workflow
So he can follow different ways in the node if the assignments low. So we can assign the workflow to someone else. So another person will be able to continue their workflow. Okay. So I click here and drag a line between the start node and the conditional. So we start here in the green loop. And our condition. Remember, we are creating a workflow for internet applications. So our condition will be status equals new. IBM Maximo Workflow । How to Create simple example Workflow
How to Create simple example Workflow
Okay. So you have two outputs for this condition on Yes, the status equals new or no, the status is not new. So it's Yes, it was the device node. Son, oh, I have put the red line in a spot in your workflow. Okay. So, in the white nodes, we call this Morocco in Portugal, I want to give two options to the users. So I've put two lines here. And the options, I click, double click in the white nodes to configure the options I want to give to the users. So, the first option, I want to assign the workflow to, for example, director, then option two, I just want to close the incident source micro if I am closing the internet and international to close, right.
So I select them action is closed. Okay. So we have to option now for the users the white node here, okay. And if the user chooses plus signs this workflow to the director, he goes to the blue node. Double click in the blue those in the assignments area is taking neuro So, I created our own a very simple role that is for the directors. So this role just has a person group, there are put the name of directors in, put the users there who are direct the receivable, then I click OK.
And finally, I put up the final line here to stop the flow. And they save the workflow. So just a quick review, we start the workflow in the green line, we go down to the yellow here, and we have a condition that starts should be new. If yes, this is new, we go to the white node in here, the user can choose between going to the blue nodes, or going to the sub-node if the users on your side choose to go to the blue node, the workflow will be assigned to a director. So our director will be responsible for this flow. And if he chooses to close the workflow.
Then though, for the internet, will you just be closed, okay, if they choose to close. So now our flow is completed, I will enable the workflow placement is both are here enable process. Okay, in the bottom left side, I will click to activate the process. So now my workflows activated. Now let's test though through let's go to the incident application also steps that incident. Okay, I create a new record.
Let's say the status of the incident is in Provence. Okay. So we have a conditional euro flow, that our workflow only works for a stop is new, right? So if this is in progress, that is the case. Now, effect clicking they also do so nothing happens because it doesn't match our conditions. Okay. Now let's have an incident with new stuff.
To create a new incident save this that is new. Okay, so let's click on the workflow button here. That will route the workflow. Now, as he created, you have two options, assigned a photon director with that blue node, if you remember, in closed days. Let's first chose to close the instance and pick here, click OK. And the incident will be automatically closed. As you can see here, say close. Well, now let's test download the option. Create and let's create a new incident. Save it is that is new.
So our workflow will continue is our condition here remember, I click the workflow button. Now I want to find your photo director. So I click here. And then okay. The user I'm logged in is not undirected. So if I click on the workflow, nothing happens. Because I'm not responsible for this anymore. Again, no selection available for directors can continue with this workflow. So I'm Stein now in allowing I will log in as a director. I have a user here for the director to so if now I'd love to be as a director, and automatically turns up my successor, the assignment sheet in my inbox, I just need to click in the task, and I open the register that I sent to the writer. So I'm logged in as a director. And if I click on the workflow module here, I will be able to continue the flow as you can see, now I can continue the flow and stop the flow or not start to the directors now.
So basically, I wanted to create a simple example of the workflow. And I hope it helps. So you can create your own workflows. Thank you for your time.