IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview

IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview

IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview

Hello, and welcome to another tip on Maximo. I'm your host, Chris Winston from the project. Today we're going to go through an IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview. In the future, we'll dig into the actual portlets that are used and made up on the Start center, starting with the actual report list. If you have specific topics that you'd like us to cover, please feel free . The star spinner itself is made up of portlets, essentially areas on the screen, or frame areas that contain portions of code that bring certain portions of the application or shortcuts on to the start center that are convenient. (Today  we learn IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview)

Starting off with the workflow inbox, which can collect all of your workflow requirements for specific user, regardless of the application into one central place on the star center, bulletin board from messaging, single clip shortcuts, either as favorites or as quick insert and quick insert just getting you in insert mode report list, where you will have a list of reports that you can run directly from the star center rather than having to navigate to the application result sets, which are essentially queries that are brought to the start center and keep performance indicators essentially a structured query language statement that resolves to a number. (Today  we learn IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview)

And both results sets and key performance indicators are available in graphic form as well as list. And without further ado, let's go ahead and take a look at maximum. So this is essentially a start center with the individual portraits as mentioned before, quick inserts, which when you click on them, you go directly into the application, and it takes you in an insert mode. So you're in the application on the main tab. If there's an auto number or the auto numbers provided, otherwise, it just takes you directly into the stars or excuses me from that application. Whereas the other shortcuts or favorites just take you on to the application typically starting on a list tab, unless of course you have a default query that runs when you get into it. (Today  we learn IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview

 And we'll go back to the start sooner. Beyond that you have individual results set on the bulletin board for messages that you may have your workflow inbox, again, key performance indicators. And throughout all of this, these are all regulated by security. And with the advent of being able to have more than one security group attached to an individual user. You can also therefore have more than one start center available to that individual user depending on other functions they may perform. So here we have several administrators, we have one for inventory, and you'll notice the look and feels a little bit different. The administration is broken out sort of half and half. Left right sides of the screens, inventory. (Today  we learn IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview

Use for the narrow side on the left side and the wider side. On the right, we have one for maintenance. Again, they're on wide. And then on the operations manager, which looks like it's probably wide and narrow. But it looks like we've got rid of our portlets. So whatever you need to refresh from the template that the start center is built on, you can simply choose Update start center, and it will bring you back to the baseline that was originally established, of course giving you an option confirmation box. And once you select Yes, then you'll get what was whatever was set up on the original template. determining whether you deploy this with users having rights to make modifications is really a site administrators decision. (Today  we learn IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview. Maximo basics 

Other things you have or the ability to display and control your primary star center as well as with stars actually display that you have access to as all control them display settings. And this case, I'm going to go ahead and display the purchasing start center as well and I'm going to make the maintenance start center my default live updates so it just takes you right away shows the maintenance star center as your first one and that will be present next time you log in in this manner until you change it and of course the purchasing start center and that I chosen to display is now available. (Today  we learn IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview)

Now within these again as I mentioned, you have some additional flexibilities with managing the sort of real estate here. On the start center, you have the capability to maximize and minimize in cases where you just simply do not have the room. And of course, you can use the scroll bar to navigate up and down. And if needed to left and right, depending on how much Real Estate's taken up on your screen. Can, you again have the graphical versus list views within the result sets, as well as the KPIs and within these are all active hyperlinks. So it's not just static information available on the screen. (Today  we learn IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview)

For example, in this case, I've got electrical open and approve work by priority, it looks like we've got 30 work orders and make up nine. And if we click on that bar, all it takes us into the work order tracking application, and recreates those 30 work orders for us to look at. So they are again, active, functional operational hyperlinks, they'll take you to a record group of records, depending on what your choice is either from list view or from the graphic view. KPIs, on the other hand, will take you into the KPI and essentially, assuming of course, you have security rights for it.  (Today  we learn IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview)

The actual KPI manager area that will, among other things, display the information for you if there are data present and historical values are present. These are created by the cron task for key performance indicators. And that will run the cron task periodically to perform performance indicator analysis and create the data points for you. And you'll be able to see them and the trending capability is present within the application, you're also able to choose other KPIs that you may wish to compare and refresh. And there are a number of other capabilities that you have present within the application. (Today  we learn IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview)

 And this is all again within the application as delivered the design the ability to download the historical values on task to set it up. So the data points are created for historical values. And of course, designing the KPI and deploying. With reports and joy, the main thing to remember about the reports on the star center that would run the report list, want to make sure that you either have the parameters built into the report so that you get just the data that you're looking for. Let's see if the primary system looks right. So there we have a report. And again, based on the parameters, we're able to enter at runtime. (Today  we learn IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo 7.5 Start Center Overview) Advance Planning. 

Or in other cases, reports you may put out here will in general, for no parameters, then it should be predefined and designed into the actual report so that when you do run it, it gives you the report information that you want as opposed to everything. So in this case, this is a query based reporting report, which has the actual structure query language embedded in the report. And most significantly, it looks like yeah, open approved, non pm work on the bedroom boiler and looks like it's broken out by the individual work type group for you. 

So those are the things to keep in mind, particularly if you're talking about putting reports on to your star center. And we'll get more into the actual design and development of the individual portlets in the next go around with another Maximo tip. Thanks very much. Have a good day. Bye

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