IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo V7 Job Planning- Create a Basic Job Plan

IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo V7 Job Planning- Create a Basic Job Plan

IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo V7 Job Planning- Create a Basic Job Plan

Hello Guys, This presentation will show you how to create a simple job plan. A job plan is a template stored in a library within Maximo that can be applied to a PM, route or work order. All of the information from the job fan is then copied directly to the work order. This saves a great deal of time when planning your work. In this presentation, we will create a basic job plan and assign it to a work order. We'll click on Go to down to the planning module and slack to child plans. To begin a new chapter I will click on the new record button on top and you must give the child a unique job identifier and tap over to the description field or give it a basic description. (This tutorial IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo V7 Job Planning- Create a Basic Job Plan)

Now the organization and side fields are not required. What these will do if you leave them blank, then anyone and your entire instance of Maximo can use a job. But if you enter an organization that only people within an organization can use a child plan. If I enter an organization and a site, and only people in that specific site within that organization can use a job plan. So this example though, we'll go ahead and put a site value in here, I'll just type Bedford into my site, and tab out and put my organization in there automatically. Now there are a lot of fields in the job application, we're gonna make this a simple job plan. (This tutorial IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo V7 Job Planning- Create a Basic Job Plan)


Under responsibility, it's not recommended to enter a name and a job thing, because this is a template that can be used on many different work orders. Also, it will be referred to as master data. If I put a name in here for leader or supervisor, and that individual leaves a company and I have 1000 Southland records with that name on it, it's very difficult to change all those names to some of the different names. So we recommend not using names at all, but is a good idea to put a crew or workgroup or value air groups that changed the way people do. So if I put a group there, a group will probably be around for a long time. So I'm gonna use a crew value and type in crew, one tab out. (This tutorial IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo V7 Job Planning- Create a Basic Job Plan)


Now the next thing to fill out is my job plan tasks. This is what tells the person what to do for this specific job. So if again, adding my task, I'll click on a new role button to the right. And the tasks are automatically number for you in a sequence of 1020 3040, and so on. So for test 10, I want to enter a value isolate compressor, I can also always add more information if I needed to. I click on this long description button to the right and enter much more detailed information for that task, such as follow all plant safety precautions. This is a very large text. So you put a lot of information into it. It's completely optional. I'll click on the OK button to close that. (This tutorial IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo V7 Job Planning- Create a Basic Job Plan)


And you notice that whenever you add a long description, the button tends to turn to an orange shade that tells you there's information within there. So that's our first task, we'll add a second task now by clicking the new row button understands 20 testimony will say replace belt and add a third task we'll pick new row again. And we'll indicate replace gasket. And we'll do one more task that new row again, put in here we test. Now there's no limit to how many tasks you can put on a job plan. I'm just gonna leave it at four here because it's a simple job plan. I've seen as many as 400 tasks on a child plan. To conserve screen space. Here we'll click the orange detail button to left and close up that task detail. (This tutorial IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo V7 Job Planning- Create a Basic Job Plan)


With our tasks completed. Our next step is to add our labor and labor sub tab. To do that, we'll click a new row button to add our labor. Here it's not recommended to add a name as we talked about before, it's best to enter craft code. So I'm going to add a crack code here. Select value. Now to find a mechanic so I'll click in fast field up here my filter, type in a CH and filter for a mechanic. Now I want to point out that this list contains both internal labor and external labor. And I can tell because the labor codes they're associated to a vendor aren't normally always external labor. And if you have a contract number two right over here, it indicates there's a labor contract in effect for that particular craft. (This tutorial IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo V7 Job Planning- Create a Basic Job Plan)


I'm going to pick on a mechanic. Now I could assign a different labor to each task. If this were a complex job plan, which is not some sort of leave to task field blank, I'm going to put one mechanic on here, it defaults a quantity of one, I can always change it if I wanted more than one mechanic. And the hours I'm gonna give it an estimated number of hours this job, I'm gonna type in for four hours and one mechanic for four hours. Now let's go to my material sub tab. So I'm gonna click on the Select spare parts button. I can enter a value in here for the asset to search for spare parts. (This tutorial IBM Maximo- IBM Maximo V7 Job Planning- Create a Basic Job Plan)


So if I know what asset is I'm running this gel pen four, I'll just type the value in here and click the Refine button that filters out my entire inventory. To show me only those spare parts listed for that asset, it makes it much easier to find your spare parts that way. So I'm gonna check the veldt. And we'll check the guest as well. And click OK. And defaults to quantity one, we can change it if need be, but we'll leave it at one. So we've entered our labor materials, I'm gonna click on Save button at the top. Now one more good thing to do is click on my work assets tab and enter the locations assets or items to this job pan would pertain to to do that I click the new row button and my asset safe now

I can add as many assets or locations I need to to show with this job pan goes to this makes it much easier later on when you're assigning this job man to say a workload, it will automatically filter the job plan library for only those job fans that are on the asset for your worker, it makes it easier to find your job plans that way. With that done, let's go back to my job plans tab. And I think we're just about finished. Last thing to do is add to the job plan, we must change the status from draft to active. To do that, we'll click on the status change button on top, we'll set the new status of active to be OK button. Now a gel pen is completed. To show you how this job actually works.


We're going to create a work order and add a gel pen to the workload. So to do that, we're gonna click on the go to button, go down to work orders and work order tracking. And we'll click the new work order button on top, we'll fill out our basic information for our work order. We'll give it a description. And we'll put it as an area automatically copies other information in there such as my GL account. Now we'll go to work type, we'll select cm for corrective maintenance. Now go to my job plan field and click the arrow to the job plan. And you'll notice that the the Select value box automatically filters the job plan library for only job has to pertain to that specific asset.


This makes it much easier to find your job. Now if I wanted to use a different job plan, I could always uncheck the buttons up here, click refresh, and I could see my entire job shop and library. Nothing restricts me from using some other job pay. This just makes it easier. So I'm going to select my job now we just created and we've added shopping to our work order, click the Save button. Now we'll take a look at our work plan. Once you've copied your job plan to a work order it becomes this call that work plan. The work plan is identical to my job man, it's got the exact same task both my job plan my labor, my materials company pulls right from the job plan.


The differences it wants, it becomes a work plan is fully editable. So I could actually modify this work plan had more materials to it and more labor change my tasks out any change I want to make I can make to it. And that only affects that specific workload or it will not affect your trackpad template. So he used the same Delta template over and over again. So by putting a job plan to the work order and editing it there, it makes your job as a planner much easier. This concludes this presentation on creating a basic job plan.

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