IBM MAXIMO- How to: Creating Job Plans and adding to Work Orders

IBM MAXIMO- How to: Creating Job Plans and adding to Work Orders

IBM MAXIMO- How to: Creating Job Plans and adding to Work Orders

In today's tutorial , I'm going to show you how to create job plans and add it to our cortex. Right. In order to do that, we need to go to the planning module and the job plans application. I'm going to go directly to the mirror and insert a new document into my job plan to work on this underscore 002 I have another one denarau main maintenance that plays for sh right for Volvo FH, organizational Eagle North America. This means that only users that belong to this organization will be able to select and use these job plans. IBM MAXIMO

My status is rest. But before that I need to talk to you about revisions. This is a record that is subject to revision. Therefore, when I create my job plan, the revision is zero which is my initial revision. And when I save inactivated, this will be the official job plan to be used in import orders. If I need to change it, let's say I need to add or remove a test, I need to revise my job plan which will create the revision number one, and for future work orders, they will result in the official one. IBM MAXIMO

Meanwhile, division zero will not be used in new airports however, it will still be valid for existing work orders. Okay. Now, proceeding here, I have two templates that I can use, I just want to use maintenance, which is the purpose of this tutorial here I can show you some information here that will be visible in the GA for example, the priority for job plan is to always be three for this particular record I killed by food select the responsible for example the supervisor which will be marked sadly,

my current user I can add my death here that's a test them engine distraction which you have the duration of four hours, the sequence will be one the first test to be dictated I can now also add bio change to angen cleaning depends three or four hours each, which will consist in a total of 12 hours of duration. Let me save my record. Now that I have all my tests I need to plan my labor which in this case will be only quest neck just the mechanic is for that than four hours,

I can also use the same graph for that any which you have the four hours to have a hate and the line post as well, which will be added to the orthotic cost in the future. Next year for test three, let's say that we want to enact mechanics, it can be the same person, it can be different people but I have only the craft here and not specific labor. Okay, materials. Let me assign a material to test planning which would be like any lawyer here that I have on my Mac's demo database. Let's say that I changed it for diesel engine one. IBM MAXIMO

If I want to issue these items from the storeroom, I need to do this. So here I have it in Atlanta but I'm not done in this tournament. I want to set these as direct issues that mean that I need to change this by five change kids. When I perform my maintenance in the walk yard. I create a PR to receive and these I think will be issued Against the wall, it will not go through this time. Okay, that the objective of dyslexia, the dialect issues like, I'm not going to add services or tools, this is an offer job plan,

I need to activate it, of course, otherwise I cannot use it. But before, let me select the work asset. These are the assets that I can use for this job plan, which in this case is my Volvo sh 600. I can use this Joplin in other assets you've seen in the yard and how this works. Okay. Now, let's just change the status here to active so we can use my visual zero. now I can use this job plan. Let's go to the work order tracking application and create a new record here. The first thing that I need to do is to put a description in it. IBM MAXIMO

Our main thing for a mobile site is sorry, ah, okay, the asset. Let's find our third year the same way that I did it for both as a 630. And now I can select my job plan. I can paste it here but I want to show you the selected value. We can see two job plans as default because I have one asset, which is this mobile asset 600 truck in the related job plan. bonafide antique this flag here showed up job plans forever charging asset and location only.

I can see all the records. But I want to find my new job plan which I'm going to select now. My revision is do I have here the priority coming from my job plan. Before I save, I have my three tests, my three quests and my direct issue material. That's basically it is as simple as that. Now I want to save my record. My order is now stated with my job plan which cannot be changed here anymore. And I can proceed with my scheduling and execution. That means for the job plan II work orders. If you have any questions, please add a comment below.

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